最近,微博网友发布了外国人被称为“麻将攻略”的用密麻英语写的“笔记本图”。 在这张图中,除了英语注释之外,为了加深记忆,还以麻将牌的样子进行了描绘。

【时讯】老外的爆笑“麻将攻略” 中国人未必能看懂(图)

这个微博得到了很多网民的好评,在短时间内转发了1000多次,得到了200多份回答。 看到该攻略图的网民纷纷表示“有创意有力量”。 有些网友认为攻略太多太复杂,外国朋友记忆时会混淆规则。 网名shynes的网友和三个abc打麻将,策划说饼是pancake。 条是迪克; 其中一人被称为jason万,从此打麻将,拿出万字牌,一律改为one jason、two jason等。 网名一yeah的网民,国粹啊,怎么这么容易理解,开玩笑。

【时讯】老外的爆笑“麻将攻略” 中国人未必能看懂(图)


麻将牌: mah-jong,mah-jongg

棋牌室: chess poker room

筒体: the circle tiles

索子: the bamboo tiles

万子: the character tiles

番子: the honor tiles

花牌: flower tiles

上图: claiming a tile to match a sequence

触摸: claiming a tile to match a triplet

棒: claiming a tile for a quadruplet

和: claiming a tile to win

轻敲: the kitty

小费:中心; chip; dib

牌友: matching play

边张: side tiles

吃张: drawing


上图: opponent on the left

下: opponent on the right

门: opponent sitting opposite to one

三缺一: threeplayerslookingforonemoreplayer

跳: skipping

张: discarding a tile

洗牌: shuffling the tiles

连庄: remaining the dealer

一对: one pair

号码: one time (in scoring )

一圈: a round

牌: following suit

张: drawing a useful tile

冲突: waiting for two tiles to win; making two pairs

拉票: holding up a tile

听卡: waitingfortheonenecessarytiletowin

铁杆: drawing a tile by oneself,makingfoursimilartilesofakindandputtingthemfacedown

暗坎: concealing3- tilesinorderofakind

8圈: eight rounds of play

一门: lacking a suit

单杠: robbing a gong

单钓: waiting for one of the pair to win

单曲: awaitingtheonlyonenecessarytiletowin

地和: goingoutorwinningahandafterdrawingonlyonetile

吊牌: fishing awaiting one’swinningtile

对胡: winning with all paired tiles; all triplets

自触: winningbyone’sown draw; 自我毁灭。

和: bewonbyone’sleftoropposingopponentwithesametileoneneeds

和平: a win without points

鸡和: chicken hand

和平: common hand


让铁杆开花: drawing a tile,after a gang,fromtheendofthewalltowinthegame; 添加glory to a gong

7对: seven pairs

做牌: forming the wall of stacks

清一色: all of one suit; flush; having all tiles in one suit

全字: pure characters

门(前)清: allconcealedhand13? : thethirteenorphans ( 1,9,and one of each character ) 13 terminal tiles

天和: a natural win; a heavenly hand

地和: earthly hand

龙: a complete sequence from 1 to 9

混色: mixed one suit

小三元: junior 3 chiefs

大三元: grand 3 chiefs

海底捞月: catchingthemoonfromthebottomofthesea

小四喜: junior 4 happiness

大四喜: grand 4 happiness

清一色: pure one suit

字一色: all honor tiles

和: declaring a false win; falsely declaring a win

创建Messi re:beunconsciousofashortageorsurplusoftiles

大/小相公: long or short hand

标题:【时讯】老外的爆笑“麻将攻略” 中国人未必能看懂(图)
